How to Register (create) a new account
To create a new account, click on either the “Account details” or “Log In” links on the top menu and you will be directed to the accounts page.
Input your email address and create a strong password. Please note that we take the security of your information very seriously and to this end have enforced proper password strength requirements. Your password should be at least twelve characters long and include upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & ).
Take note of this password and keep it safe. Kindly refer to the T&C page; Password and security section on the website about your responsibility to the safe keeping of your password.
We do not recommend storing passwords in the browser and suggest that you rather use a secure password manager. Search in Google or look at this article for some suggestions and an app that suits you (
Once you have done this click on “Register” to create your new account and you will be placed on your account Dashboard.
Note that when you first Register your account, the system will send a welcome email to the email address you supply to confirm that the account has been created.
From your Account Dashboard please update the details correctly here so that we can ensure correct delivery and attention going forward. Update Billing and Shipping addresses (Addresses link) as well as Your First and Last names using the “Account Details” link on the left (Very important).
And you are done. Thank you, we do appreciate your patronage and this account will assist us in providing you with the best order and support experience we can.